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2023 #CISOPredicts: Ty Sbano, CISO at Vercel

SVCI Editorial Staff

Members of Silicon Valley CISO Investments (SVCI) offer their take on the challenges and trends that will shape 2023.

As Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across industries including tech, insurance, and retail, we have the benefit of sharing (and comparing) our perspectives on a variety of hot-button issues. As members of Silicon Valley CISO Investments (SVCI), we also get a front seat to the most recent cybersecurity innovations by advising and investing in the next generation of startups—and using our decades of expertise to help them thrive.

From where we sit in the C-suite, here’s our take on the trends and challenges that will shape 2023:

Ty Sbano Chief Information Security Officer, Vercel

AI chat bots will change the way we work

Welcome to the world of accessible Artificial Intelligence (AI). We have Siri in our pocket everywhere we go, we have Alexa at home to help us manage our lives, and now we’ve been introduced to the power of ChatGPT—an AI-driven text bot. In recent years, we’ve had a chance to observe Machine Learning in action. But now with the ability to have AI consume large amounts of context and query through prompts in natural language, we’re on the early stage of another tech revolution. It’s fascinating to think how rapidly our functional information security roles can evolve rapidly.

I believe we’ll see a brave new world of AI-driven security startups. Even starting work that requires actual manual workflow powered that typically requires quality security analysts with run books to manage prospect and customer communications from Security@ or Support@ email handles or actual chat support. While we’ve seen rudimentary applications of AI chat bots in the past, the ability to now search, parse, and contextualize actual information into actionable intelligence is going to change the way we work in the near future.

Thinking of risks of AI, there will be greater ability to perform fraud through chat services or even AI-driven workflows to perform mass compromise of accounts en masse. Tools like ChatGPT will also give greater ability for people to fake it until they make it—this is an area where I see greater challenges in authenticating actual connections, interviewing, and vetting talent and actual functional remote work with respect to employee engagement.

Even in the general sense of employment, many professionals may look to further automate and enhance their work to automate themselves out of jobs while increasing the ability to take on more projects or consultative work. I, for one, am looking forward to helping solve these challenging opportunities and help create the next generation of security practices and incubate the next wave of security startups.

Keep following to read additional takes on 2023 by SVCI CISOs!


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